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What is Karamalz?

Karamalz is a non-alcoholic malt beverage launched in Bavaria, Germany in 1958. It is Germany’s most popular malt drink for generations. A natural malt and hops based drink that stands out for its caramel notes and elaborated with the best ingredients, such as hops extract and barley malt.

Karamalz Classic

Karamalz Classic quenches your thirst the tasty way: it contains only natural ingredient. If you love caramel and malt you will enjoy drinking this drink!

Karamalz Lemon

A splash of natural lemon added to Karamalz Classic provides further stimulation for your taste buds creating a unique harmony of different flavours.

Karamalz Pomegranate

A splash of natural pomegranate juice added to Karamalz Classic provides further stimulation for your taste buds creating a unique harmony of different flavours.

Karamalz Classic

Karamalz Classic in an elegant and stylish glass bottle. This is an eco-friendly alternative to the Karamalz Classic in can.

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